Tag: #songoftheday
It’s no secret that I love Christmas music. But what you probably don’t know is that I’m a collector of songs about California. Now that I’ve added this one, I have a total of 235! And this is now my third favorite song about Christmas in California. My #1 is The Killers’ “Christmas in L.A.”…
If you like light-hearted country tunes with lots of banjo, you’re in for a real treat here. As always, The Band Perry deliver top notch country music about, what else, love; sure to lift the spirits of anyone who listens. Unless, of course, you happen to hate banjo. But we’re down with the banjo, which…
First of all, you have to check out the video above. It was directed by Syndrome and it’s quite fascinating and creepy; we won’t try to describe it because you should just watch it and see for yourself. In any case, “American Beauty/American Psycho” is one hell of a tune.
Butch Walker is one of today’s most incredible singer/songwriters and producers. But Ryan Adams produced this track, as well as the rest of Butch’s upcoming album Afraid of Ghosts, giving it a haunting hue through which Butch conveys a whole lotta emotion. This mesmerizing number is so gorgeous and flawless that we don’t even feel…
And now for something completely different… A slamming, electro-pop gem from The Ready Set. No, we didn’t exactly see it coming either. “Fangz,” as it’s called, is a better EDM track than anything on David Guetta’s latest album. OK, so it’s not quite EDM, but parts of it pack the sort of propulsive beats and…
Another fine Christmas original by The Killers… As a longtime fan of the band, every winter I look forward to their new Christmas single and this is the 9th consecutive year that they’ve delivered one so bravo to them… “Joel The Lump of Coal” is silly, fun and perfect for your Christmas day playlist…
Wow… this one is beautiful beyond words. But we’ll say a few anyway. Marie Digby’s acoustic rendition of her new song “Kings & Queens” is spellbinding and very emotive, her sounding vulnerable and romantic all at once. If this one doesn’t touch you’re heart then you’re probably frozen and should check to make sure you…
“Don’t give it up, it’s glorious,” Foxes sings during the chorus of the gorgeous and inspiring title track from her album Glorious, which could also be described as, well, glorious. (Sorry, but it had to be said.)
Röyksopp deliver breath-taking electronica once again with their throbbing new single “Skulls,” which is from their glorious final album, The Inevitable End. That said, the duo plans to continue releasing music. Just not in the album format. Which we think is rather sad because they’ve always made albums that truly felt like albums, each song…
“You know you like it but it drives you insane,” sings Romanian pop star Inna on her marvelous if minimalist cover of AlunaGeorge’s “You Know You Like It.” The original version of this song was great, but Inna strips it to its core and somehow renders it that much more beautiful. That she has such…