Category: Reviews
D∆WN, better known as Dawn Richard, veers in a mainstream R&B/pop direction with her new single “Cali Sun,” which hails from her third album, Redemption, which is said to be the “final installment in the trilogy.” I was a big fan of the two previous albums, Goldenheart and Blackheart, which were both very abstract sort…
OK, so this is more of an interlude type of track than an actual song, but it’s the best thing I’ve heard all day, hence my dubbing it #songoftheday. What we have here is Earl Sweatshirt rapping about stuff and that’s always plenty to satisfy me. He’s one of the most under-rated rappers in the…
interview by Michael McCarthy In a perfect world, Molly Moore would need no introduction. Her elegant pop songs are a perfect mix of both catchy, mainstream and pensive, artsy pop. At her core, Molly is a singer/songwriter. It just so happens that her songs are exquisitely produced pop. Well, most of them. Her latest offering,…
We love Bat and Ball so much we interviewed them twice back in 2014. Then they kind of vanished for a little while there. Now they’re back with “Cruel Cats,” an exquisitely produced new single that’s ripe for the picking. With beats that clobber and slam, it grabs your attention immediately and it’s a sheer…
Back in June, Brooklyn-based piano composer Andrew Shapiro released his third piano album, appropriately entitled Piano 3. (Perhaps you are one of the six million people who streamed his song “Mint Green” – from his 2008 debut, Numbers, Colors and People – on Pandora?) That he was releasing another piano album was hardly a surprise…
review by Michael McCarthy all photos by Joshua Bernard This week I caught Garbage with opener Kristin Kontrol at the House of Blues in Boston on Thursday night (July 28th, 2016). It was something of a dream come true because the last couple of times Garbage passed through Boston they played venues I’m not crazy…
We’re gearing up to do an interview with Molly Moore soon. In the meantime, we thought we’d feature her hypnotic video for her song “Blood. Sweat. Tears,” which reminds us of the piano ballads of BANKS. A blend of the sensual and the melancholic, Molly’s song is as gorgeous as they come, a ballad that…