Tag: Nikki Sixx

  • review by Michael McCarthy The new Motley Crue single, “Dogs of War,” is horrible. Just plain lame. As usual, Nikki was lying or delusional when he said that it was like something off of Too Fast For Love or Shout At the Devil. It’s not like either of those albums. John 5 has turned Motley…

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  • “Do you wanna see the stars before they fall?” asks lead singer James Michael during the chorus of “Stars,” the opening song on SIXX A.M.’s new — and third — album, Modern Vintage. It’s an inspiring tune that really makes one want to stop and smell the roses, as they say. It also dares you…

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  • Nikki Sixx is always a thought-provoking guy and I generally agree with every thing he says.  I am kind of obsessed with him.  Have been since I first saw the “Looks That Kill” video on Radio 1990 when I was a kid right around the time Shout At The Devil came out.  (I rushed out…

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