Author: Paris365
Leave it to Grimes and friends to concoct a super fun and highly amusing post Christmas jam!
29. PLASTISCINES: BACK TO THE START Now a trio, the French group Plastiscines released one of the year’s finest pop rock albums from any country. And you shouldn’t let the French thing keep you away because most of these songs are in English. Plus, these are some of the most well-produced, energetic tunes this year.…
45. UNWOMAN: CIRCLING I’ve heard Unwoman’s Circling categorized as steampunk music. I’m not sure I understand what that means, but I certainly know that the way she – her real name being Erica Mulkey – married her cello with vivid electronic soundscapes was as enchanting as anything this year. Add to that her spell-binding voice…
Paola Iezzi is one half of the famous Italian sister duo Paola & Chiara, who are easily my all-time favorite duo, and who I would place in my top 5 if I made a list of my favorite artists. Suffice to say I’m entirely biased here. But I’m the publisher of this site, so I…
Super synthy, semi dark, sugary sweet… One of iamamiwhoami’s finest songs now has a video. And it’s positively creepy. For those of you who aren’t digging the Christmas music.
The Veronicas’ “If You Love Someone” is an upbeat, positive tune… But the video is even more positive with lots of affirmations like “be kind” along with drawing attention to causes like stopping the hunting of whales and issues like police brutality. We suppose some people will watch this one and feel happy, as it’s…