Tag: Valerie Renay
“Living In Germany” is the solo debut of the always brilliant Valerie Renay, who you should know from Noblesse Oblige, the dark duo for which she is the singer. Each time Valerie releases something, it seems to be darker than the last and I’d dare say that’s the case with “Living in Germany,” a shockingly…
By now you’ve probably read my entirely positive review of Noblesse Oblige’s amazing, new, genre-bending album Affair of the Heart. (If you haven’t read it, here it is: https://loveispop.com/reviews/review-noblesse-oblige-affair-of-the-heart/) I was so intrigued by the album that I was naturally curious about the duo who made it. Fortunately, I was lucky enough that Valerie Renay…