Tag: Sam Sparro
Last year Kylie collaborated with frequent Lady Gaga producer Fernando Garibay on a four track surprise EP called Kylie + Garibay, which was given away for free on Soundcloud. (Sadly, you can’t download it anymore, but you can still listen to it.) The tracklist for this 2014 EP was: “Glow,” “Wait,” “Break This Heartbreak” and…
Plastic Plates — we’ve never heard of them before either — have teamed up with Sam Sparro for an adorable EDM/disco love song. Gleaming synthesizers, snappy beats and Sam’s warm voice all blend together perfectly like your favorite Frappuccino or Jamba Juice smoothie or whatever else your favorite beverage is. Drink this one down and…
Sam Sparro is back! And what a smash! It’s a throbbing, slick EDM masterpiece, really. Love those pulsating beats. Want to dance to it already. And it’s got a positive message, too! Also, the additional vocals by Durand Bernarr are wonderful, too. Boy, does he have range.
Most people reading this review will probably have no idea who Sam Sparro is. Perhaps you’re one of them. Well, Sam Sparro wrote a little song called “Black & Gold,” which appeared on his debut album, which was released in 2008, and it quickly became one of the biggest pop songs of all-time. Not so…