Author: Paris365

  • I’ve been a fan of Björk for over 15 years and I’ve generally loved everything she’s done. I could have done without Telegraph, the peculiar “Björk covers Björk” remix collection released after her first two albums, and Medulla — her 99% acapella album — left a lot to be desired, but those were only minor…

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  • The most remarkable thing about Garbage may be their ability to change while remaining the same. Each of their five albums has its own distinct vibe. They all include Garbage’s fundamental elements — Shirley Manson’s exquisite voice, the barrage of loops, layers and layers of sound, etc — yet each has its own feel. And…

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  • It’s not easy to wrap one’s head around Ke$ha, the person. Is she truly the rebel she paints herself to be? Or is she just putting on an act? Where Lady Gaga has succeeded in convincing people that she really is a freak — albeit in a good way — people still have their doubts…

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  • A track-by-track review by Michael McCarthy, who wrote this while listening to the album for the fifth time.   “Girl Gone Wild” The intro immediately calls to mind “Like A Prayer,” sounding a bit derivative. It just seems pointless to start your new album with a reference (basically) to your former glory. It’s like saying…

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  • This round table interview was done when Ben was promoting Chasing Amy, though he talks a lot about Good Will Hunting, which they were about to start filming shortly. Actor Ben Affleck recently held court (press day, that is) in Boston to promote Kevin Smith’s new film Chasing Amy, in which he stars as Holden,…

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  • The following interview was conducted in 1999 and originally published by Lollipop magazine during Winter ’99. Due to the length of the interview, they published half of it in the magazine and the other half on their website. Here, the interview has been posted in full for the first time. You’re going on tour with…

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  • This interview was originally published in Lollipop magazine issue 46, Winter ’99. Some 15 years ago, Dee Snider wrote the Twisted Sister album that would make him a legendary rock god seemingly overnight, though he’d actually worked long and hard for that achievement. The album was entitled Stay Hungry, and among such anthems as “We’re…

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  •   I’ve been trying to write something about Jani Lane for over a week now, but words keep failing me. I think I’ve finally figured out why though. I feel the need to justify Jani’s music to the world. I know that most people just think of him as that blonde-haired singer from Warrant, the…

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  • Writing this list actually made me feel nostalgic for 2011 already. It was such a great year for music, at least for a music fan with diverse tastes like mine. I only realized what a great year it was once I started typing up this list. I thought I’d struggle to come up with 25…

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