It’s been a couple years since Song Ji Eun’s debut mini-album Twenty-Five and now she’s back with mini-album number 2, which features her stunning new single, “Bobby Doll.” In the description on Youtube, which you can see below, they refer to the song as “dark” and if you read the subtitles to the video — or if you know Korean — you can see why. These aren’t your usual K-Pop song lyrics. They are, in fact, considerably noir, which we happen to find refreshing. Not only is it one of the best produced K-Pop tunes all year — and there have been loads of them — it also has more substance, whereas so many K-Pop tunes are all about the fluff. It’s one of the most infectious songs we’ve heard all year, too.
Youtube info:
[MV] Song Ji Eun(송지은) _ Bobby Doll(바비돌)
*English subtitles are now available. 😀
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Two years since “Twenty -Five”, Song Ji Eun returns to become the next diva!
While “Twenty-Five” had been a bright, fun song, Song Ji Eun’s next new track is dark. The dreamy guitar riff in the introduction is bound to grab your attention. “Bobby Doll” is an acoustic R&B dance number. Song Ji Eun’s unique voice enchants the song even more. The catchy lyrics in the chorus makes “Bobby Doll” a memorable song. Song Ji Eun shows off a whole new level of dark sexy, a bit of which her fans were able to see during her “Going Crazy” promotion.
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「きれいな25歳」が軽快で明るいイメージだったなら、今回はダークさたっぷり。導入部を彩る幻想的なギターリフが一気に耳を惹きつける「 Bobby Doll」は、R&Bジャンルにアコースティック・サウンドが加わった個性あふれるダンス曲。特にソン・ジウンのしっとりしたボーカルが曲に魅力を加え、’見て 見つめて バービードル みんな 見て 見つめてバービードル’というユニークなサビの歌詞が聞く楽しさを与える。「Going Crazy」で強烈なコンセプトで視線を惹きつけたソン・ジウンとはまた違った感じのダークな魅力を披露するだろう。
‘예쁜 나이 25살’로 차세대 디바라는 찬사를 받았던 송지은이 2년 만에 돌아왔다.
‘예쁜 나이 25살’이 경쾌하고 밝은 이미지였다면 이번엔 다크함을 듬뿍 입었다. 도입부를 수놓는 몽환적인 기타리프가 단숨에 귀를 사로잡는 ‘바비돌’은 R&B 장르에 어쿠스틱 사운드가 더해진 개성 넘치는 댄스곡이다. 특히 송지은의 쫄깃한 보컬이 곡에 매력을 더하고 ‘바 바라봐 바비돌 다 바 바라봐 바비돌’이라는 재치있는 어감의 후렴가사가 듣는 재미를 더한다. ‘미친거니’에서 강렬한 컨셉으로 시선을 사로잡았던 송지은과는 또 다른 느낌의 다크한 매력을 선보일 것이다.
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