Kodaline often churns out inspiring songs, but none seem more appropriate right now than “High Hopes,” the chorus to which goes:
“But I’ve got high hopes
It takes me back to when we started
High hopes
When you let it go, go out and start again
High hopes
When it all comes to an end
But the world keeps spinning around “
So, yes, the world as we knew it has come to an end, but the earth continues to spin around and we need to continue to have high hopes like we did before the whole COVID-19 pandemic started.

Now more than ever, hope is vital to our survival. We need to believe that there are better days ahead, that life will eventually return to normal. It might never be the exact same as it was before the coronavirus brought the world to a halt, but perhaps having gone through this ordeal will unite people. I already see folks sharing a sense of pride as we did just after 9/11. Having a common enemy like the virus is uniting us. And we’re learning to look out for one another as we stay home so that we don’t get sick or carry the virus to other people who could get sick and even potentially die from it. If nothing else, the virus has taught us how important it is that we look out for one another and keep each other safe and healthy. So, please continue to have hope and to believe that the measures we’re taking as we stay in — or practice social distance when we absolutely must go out — are saving lives. And if you haven’t been staying in, please do so now. Going outside to play basketball at the park or having a day at the beach isn’t worth dying for and it’s certainly not worth potentially killing other people who you might give the virus to. I’m sure you’re familiar with the expression “better safe than sorry” and that’s never been more true than it is now.

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