What is this we’re playing for you today? I’m not quite sure. Well, obviously I know the name of the band is Entropia and the song is called “Fractal,” but it’s difficult to assign a genre distinction, which is one of the things I love about it. I suppose I would call it technical black metal, as it’s certainly played with precision and has black metal style pulverizing drums, but on Bandcamp they mention “the psychedelic vision,” so maybe it’s better described as psychedelic black metal. Or maybe we should cover all the bases and call it technical, psychedelic black metal. Anyway, who cares what it is? All you really need to know is that it’s uber heavy and faster than the Engergizer Bunny and it’ll kick your ass. This is just about as fierce as any type of metal can get. And while I usually wouldn’t describe this sort of metal as accessible or catchy, I did find it very easy to get sucked into this song and it is an earworm that I keep wanting to listen to again and again.
The band’s whole new album is as monstrous and genre-bending as “Fractal” is. It’s called Ufonaut and you can buy it now on Bandcamp and I certainly suggest that you do. I’ll have you banging your head and wishing you could understand the lyrics so you could sing along. To that end, it would seem the CD edition comes with a nice booklet and my guess would be that it includes the lyrics. Either way, something as crisp and perfect like this would sound even better than it does online in your CD player. Although it would likely sound even better on vinyl, so here’s hoping there’s enough demand for it that they press it on wax soon.

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Preorders available on:
– World: http://arachnophobia.pl/
– Poland: http://sklep.arachnophobia.pl/
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