Late last week I self-published my debut novel, Reckoning Daze, under my pen name Michael Beaulieu.  It’s only available as an e-book right now, but I hope to make it available as a lovely paperback soon.  In the meantime, you can grab the e-book for free from several different sources.  The easiest thing to do is to go to my Books2Read page, which has links to most of the places where it’s available:  If Amazon is your fix you can go directly to them here:  I would hugely appreciate it if you wonderful peeps could download it.  I’d appreciate it even more if you actually read it.  And I’d be still more appreciative if you could post a review of the book on Amazon or whatever store you prefer.  I really need to get some positive reviews out there because having no reviews right now may make some people decide not to download the book.  But if there were a few positive reviews there, a lot more people would download it, which would lead to other reviews.  It’s a chain reaction.  That said, if you don’t like the book and want to give it a negative review, by all means do.  I definitely want people to be honest.  But if some positive reviews went up before the negative that would be so much better for me.  So, please, if you like it, write a review.  I don’t care if it’s two sentences.  Just write something.

By the way, if you’d like to have the epub or mobi file e-mailed directly to you, you can get it from Instafreebie:   Just sign up for my mailing list and they’ll e-mail it to you, usually just a second later.

So, what is the book about?  Here’s the description:


“An actress is always a starving artist,” so says Lindsay Harmon-Foster, a talented but struggling Los Angeles actress in Michael Beaulieu’s gripping debut novel Reckoning Daze.

Lindsay, 19, a former star of a critically acclaimed but canceled series, is now doing a pilot that might prove to be the role of a lifetime, but her anorexia and other habits could kill her before she’s cast for the full series. Although she has long been self-destructive, she’s never been more so than now, making her a threat to herself and others. Aside from losing the show she loved, she thought she had found her soulmate in a rising music star named Jesse, but he committed suicide and she blames herself. Will she land the new series and allow herself to find love again with an actor named Marc or will addictions – and suppressed family secrets – make her die hard?

While Lindsay’s demons are portrayed with unflinching honesty, the way she views Los Angeles and the business is often comical. If you like Bret Easton Ellis and Chuck Palahniuk, you’ll find Reckoning Daze’s blend of high drama and satire to be a perfect mix of laughs and suspense. Get it today and find out whether or not Lindsay’s dreams come true.

And here’s my full bio along with a blurb I’m working on for my second novel, Book of Shadows, which will be coming soon.  Just how soon depends on how quickly I can gather subscribers for my mailing list so I’ll know who to promote the book to.

Michael Beaulieu has been an entertainment journalist for over 20 years. His credits including such magazines and websites as LiveWire and Lollipop, both of which he was a contributing editor and columnist for, as well as AOL’s pre-internet music magazine Rocknet and Kevin Smith’s View Askewniverse. He started off by publishing a hair metal zine called ANT, The Only Cool Magazine That Bites in the mid ‘90s, shortly after grunge had killed the hair metal scene. It was called Ant because two of his favorite bands contain those three letters, Warrant and Anthrax. The zine was praised by many people throughout the heavy metal community including Geri Miller of Metal Edge and Anne Leighton of Hit Parader. Michael’s interview skills were praised many times by filmmaker Kevin Smith, which is why he had Michael conduct a series of interviews with actors, producers, etc, who’ve worked on his films.

Today Michael is the publisher and editor of the pop culture site Love is Pop. ( Originally a music only site, Michael recently began interviewing some of his favorite authors, including Jay Asher, Francesca Lia Block, Adriana Mather and Madeline Freeman. As for what type of music is featured on Love is Pop, anything goes. Michael has interviewed everything from pop princesses to death metal gods to many artists whose music is in foreign languages. Some of his recent music interviews include Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Coeur de Pirate, Lou Doillon, Nikki Yanofsky and Ben Johnston of Biffy Clyro. He recently did an interview with Chris McLelland of Nominee during which the two discussed something they have in common – bipolar disorder.

From 2003 – 2006 Michael resided in Los Angeles, California, which is where he wrote his debut novel Reckoning Daze. Reckoning Daze tells the story of Lindsay-Harmon Foster, an actress who recently lost a series she loved and is now working on a pilot for a series that might prove to be the role of a lifetime if she can get the network to sign her for the full season. While Lindsay is doing the pilot, she starves herself, saying, “An actress is always a starving artist.” (Just one of her many self-destructive mantras.) She also struggles with cutting and drug abuse. Meanwhile, the rising music star she thought was her soulmate committed suicide and she blames herself, which is one of many things fueling her self-destructive ways. Family secrets and the death of a dear friend weigh heavily on her as well. It’s on the set for the new show that Lindsay meets handsome actor Marc, who she may or may not be able to have a romantic relationship with, depending on whether or not she can let herself find love again.

Michael wrote Reckoning Daze while he was struggling with anorexia himself, wanting to write a character he could relate to. In spite of the fact that Lindsay is a downhill racer, the book isn’t depressing, the way Lindsay sees the world often being laugh out loud funny. If you like Bret Easton Ellis and Chuck Palahniuk, you’ll love her often satirical take on Los Angeles and showbiz. Mostly, though, Reckoning Daze is a suspenseful page-turner, the sort you stay up all night reading.

If you’ve read Reckoning Daze, why not head over to Amazon or Goodreads and review it? Reviews are the lifeblood of the self-publishing world and Michael appreciates them immensely.

Michael’s next book to be released will be the young adult, urban fantasy novel Book of Shadows volume one: Casting. Check out the description below and join Michael’s mailing list today for updates about his writing progress, book cover reveals, release date announcements, info about joining his advance readers team and more. You can unsubscribe at any time.  Sign up here at my official site:

Book of Shadows: Volume One: Casting

What would you do if you accidentally found your late great grandmother’s Book of Shadows – a witch’s spell book and journal – and discovered that your premonitions and resistance to being burned are because you’re a natural born witch? You would try casting one of the spells, of course, which is precisely what 16-year-old Emma McGlinchey does. She attempts a simple candle lighting spell and, much to her amazement, it actually works. Soon she has recruited best friends Lia and Shar into forming a coven.

The girls cast a glamour spell to make everyone like them at the Catholic school they’re being forced to attend for the first time and the spell works – except on a group of zealot bullies, who immediately start on Lia and Shar, who they dislike because they are an out lesbian couple. Dealing with these bullies is a major plot element and the girls attempt to deal with them with spells, but things only escalate. Meanwhile, a love spell the girls do for Emma gets the boy of her dreams interested in her, but the school guidance counselor comes onto her, too. The girls attempt to deal with this dilemma with more magick but sometimes, they learn, problems are better solved with logic. Will the girls survive the bullies and the unintended side-effects of their spells or will they realize too late that magick often comes with a price?





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