Category: Reviews

  • by Michael McCarthy I recently watched the Robbie Williams biopic Better Man. It’s one of the most unusual biopics I’ve ever seen since Robbie Williams is a CGI monkey in the film. No, really, it’s a documentary about Robbie Williams’ life, but he’s a monkey in the movie. I don’t think they ever refer to…

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  • by Michael McCarthy As even a young child could tell you, songs have the ability to make people feel things. For example, maybe you cry every time you hear “Open Arms” by Journey or “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins. (Truth be told, these songs usually do make me cry.). On the other hand, there…

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  • by Michael McCarthy I’ve just finished watching a brilliant limited series on Netflix. It’s called The Innocent and it’s an adaptation of a Harlan Coben novel. The surprising thing, for me, is that I’ve watched quite a few series based on his books and usually I hate them. They’re predictable, there aren’t enough plot twists,…

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  • by Michael McCarthy I watched the fourth season of Wrong Side of the Tracks (also known as Entrevias) on Netflix this weekend. It’s an excellent Spanish series about this small suburb where the elderly old guys who’ve lived there all of their lives clash with the drug dealers and other assorted thugs. Definitely a vigilante…

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  • by Michael McCarthy I have another amazing Korean series to tell you about. This one is called Death’s Game and it’s exclusively on Prime in the U.S. It’s an 8 episode limited series. And I can promise you that it will blow you away. Without giving too much away, I’ll tell you that it begins…

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  • by Michael McCarthy I finished watching the Korean zombie series Happiness today. It’s from 2021 but it only just arrived on Netflix. It wasn’t a very scary zombie series but one of the more realistic ones I’ve seen. I also liked the zombie origin part of the story, which is that it starts as a…

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  • by Michael McCarthy After watching Project Wolf Hunting yesterday, I decided to watch another movie. And I decided to watch another movie that was supposed to be really strange and genre-bending, The Substance starring Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley, a young actress I don’t think I’d ever seen in anything before. Moore plays a woman…

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  • by Michael McCarthy I have just finished watching the funniest series I have ever seen. It’s a Korean sitcom called The Sound of Your Heart. It focuses on an approximately 30 year old webtoon artist who lives with his parents and brother. And it’s just full of absolutely hilarious stuff. I could tell you about…

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  • by Michael McCarthy If you like violent movies, you have to see the Korean movie Project Wolf Hunting. Rated NC 17 just for violence. Basically, a bunch of criminals are being extradited from Korea and they’re sending them back via a cargo ship because another method was tried previously and there was a problem. So…

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  • by Michael McCarthy I am currently watching a Kdrama called Fix You. It’s another series starring Jung So Min, who’s become my favorite Korean actress. Like many Kdramas, it has another title for some reason, which is Soul Mechanics. I’m watching it on Viki but it’s also on Kocowa. In any case, Jung So Min…

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  • by Michael McCarthy What you’re about to read is a Facebook post that I found myself writing this morning after someone mentioned Metallica’s black album in a music community on there and most people had very negative things to say about it. ### I find it fascinating how so many people hate Metallica’s so-called black…

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  • by Michael McCarthy When I heard that Gwen Stefani was making a country album, I shrieked. I was a fan of No Doubt, but Gwen Stefani’s first two solo albums are my favorite things she’s done. Both truly brilliant albums and very innovative. When I heard that Gwen Stefani was releasing a new album, I…

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  • by Michael McCarthy The female solo artist Lykke Li has released an “inverted” version of her last album, EYEYE. And by inverted, what means is simply that they the tracks are all backwards. They just took the songs, switched them to backwards, and released it. Talk about a lame way to make a new album.…

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  • by Michael McCarthy I went to the Marvelous 3 show in Boston. It was quite marvelous indeed. To tell you the truth, I had slightly mixed feelings going into the show because I do much prefer Butch’s solo stuff over M3 but as soon as they hit the stage and started playing “Little Head” I…

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  • by Michael McCarthy I will write a proper review of this album soon, but I wanted to share some of my initial thoughts because I was mighty impressed and the album comes out today. Halsey’s new album is out today. It’s called The Great Impersonator and it’s truly brilliant. This is her fifth album. I…

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