Category: books

  • Hey there! In case you haven’t noticed, I’m taking the month of October off from Love is Pop. I sent out an alert on social media, but I admittedly forgot to post something here on the site. There are two big reasons for the break. 1: I need this time to work on Book of…

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  • review by Michael McCarthy As the story begins, our heroine, Summer Wormwood, finds herself sentenced to spending her summer at Camp Bitter Tonic. It’s kind of like summer school, but also like a charm school and, more importantly, a school for witchcraft. The students learn everything from cooking to having good posture to walking over…

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  • Soap Suds Weekly has crowned her “the breakout star of 1998,” but Laurie Saint-Germain hates it when she signs an autograph and the so-called fan is upset that she signed her own name, not that of Sandy Lemonde, her happy-go-lucky character on daytime’s sensational Passionate About Love.

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