by Michael McCarthy
I finished watching the Kdrama D Day this week. It’s from 2015, but the production values are right up there with the production values of all the great stuff coming out these days.
It takes place in Seoul after a 6.5 magnitude earthquake does severe damage to the city. In the show they say that buildings in Seoul were designed only to withstand earthquakes up to 4.0 in magnitude. I don’t know if that’s true in real life but if it is then that’s kind of scary. In any case, I really enjoyed this drama. I watched it because Jung So Min is one of the stars and I recently fell in love with her (so to speak) while watching Love Next Door so now I’m trying to watch all of her work that I can find. Fortunately, there are something like a dozen things that she’s done on Viki.
D Day’s primary set is a hospital. It focuses on doctors who are trying to treat patients during the earthquake crisis but who are constantly taking crap from a nasty hospital director who constantly tries to fire them, especially the male lead’s character in particular.
Although the earthquake is only in the earlier episodes of the show, they really did a spectacular job with it in terms of the special effects. It’s quite harrowing and it all looks so real.
All in all, I found it to be a very well written, well acted and well directed series and would highly recommend it. Even though it’s 9 years old, you’d never know it if you hadn’t heard that somewhere.
Now I’m watching Fix You, which is also called Soul Mechanics. Jung So Min plays a psychiatric patient and much of it takes place at a psychiatric hospital. This one is 32 episodes, but the episodes are only half as long so it’s the same length as your average 16 episode Kdrama in terms of how many hours it is.
D Day is 16 episodes.

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