Tag: novel

  • Hey there! In case you haven’t noticed, I’m taking the month of October off from Love is Pop. I sent out an alert on social media, but I admittedly forgot to post something here on the site. There are two big reasons for the break. 1: I need this time to work on Book of…

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  • Soap Suds Weekly has crowned her “the breakout star of 1998,” but Laurie Saint-Germain hates it when she signs an autograph and the so-called fan is upset that she signed her own name, not that of Sandy Lemonde, her happy-go-lucky character on daytime’s sensational Passionate About Love.

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  • It’s official, my new novel, Book of Shadows 3: Hunting, is one of the books featured in #Instafreebie‘s newsletter (and on their site) today. That means, yes, I’m giving this one away for free, too! It’s an Instafreebie exclusive so go get it: https://www.instafreebie.com/book/50659  In this volume, Emma, Lia, Shar and company face their biggest…

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  • interview by Michael McCarthy On Monday we published part one of our two-part interview with Jason Werbeloff, one of the most exciting sci-fi authors to emerge during recent years.  His series Defragmenting Daniel had me binge reading, immediately going from one book to the next, and I’m normally a slow reader.  So, that just goes…

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  • interview by Michael McCarthy I’m what you could call a book-aholic.  I’m addicted to books.  I’m so glad that Kindles came along when they did because I own so many hardcover books that I’ve long stopped counting.  I’ve filled over five bookcases with them.  Point being, I’ve literally run out of room.  So, now my…

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  • Written by Love is Pop’s Michael McCarthy under the pen name Michael Beaulieu, Book of Shadows Volume One: Casting is the story of three sixteen-year-old girls who find the Book of Shadows (spellbook and journal) of one of their late great grandmothers.  Upon trying a simple candle lighting spell, our narrator, Emma, discovers that magick…

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