Death Cab For Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard will be releasing a new single called “Life Under Quarantine” any day now, but in the meantime, you can watch him perform the track from home in the video above.
“People have a way of getting crazy / When they think they’ll be dead in a month,” he sings on the melancholic tune, which is more of a fact-of-the-matter report on the crisis than an inspiring song, but it’s something so many can relate to right now that we simply had to share it. Besides, you have to admit that it’s beautiful. We also find that there’s something reassuring about hearing timely songs like this, learning that our artists are echoing the same sentiments we are.
“I know this is a really fucked up and scary time for everybody, including myself,” Gibbard says after performing the song. “I know that we’re all trying to figure out what we can do to make it better. ” He goes on to recommend that anyone in Seattle who has the means donate tents and sleeping bags to:
The Aurora Commons c/o
Lisa Etter-Carlson
927 N. 89th St
Seattle, WA 98103
Watch the video for more information, including instructions on how to donate.
Gibbard has been performing free concerts that you can stream at 4 p.m. PST/7 p.m. EST every day via Facebook and Youtube.
Edited to add 3/27/20: here’s the studio version:

NOTE: Each day, we’re going to post a song of the day that’s relevant to what’s going in the world. Songs meant to either inspire or at least provide companionship or food for thought. The emphasis will, of course, be on the positive.
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