Peter Gabriel’s classic “Don’t Give Up” originally appeared on his album So with Kate Bush singing the duet with him, Gabriel singing the verses, Bush, the chorus. He re-recorded the track with singer/songwriter Ane Brun for his album New Blood and her collection Songs 2003 – 2013 and it’s this lesser-known version that we’re pleased to present you with today. Mind you, we’re not saying the Ane Brun version is superior to the Kate Bush version. They’re both extremely talented women who we admire. We just thought we’d play you this version since it’s probable that you’ve never heard it, whereas virtually everyone on the planet has heard the Kate Bush version plenty of times before.
What we love about this version is how the track is extended to six minutes and forty seconds with it starting off subtle only for it to grow more sonorous when it reaches the outro where they sing “don’t give up” over a dozen times repeatedly. It takes the normally touching track and turns it into something that much more inspiring. It’s powerful stuff, to be sure.
“Don’t give up ’cause you have friends / Don’t give up, you’re not beaten yet
/ Don’t give up, I know you can make it good,” goes the touching chorus, which delivers a message many of us could use right now as we self-isolate and try to keep from contracting the coronavirus or giving it to anyone else.
Read the complete lyrics on Genius.

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