“If I had money, I’d have a baby,” sings White Sea, a.k.a. Morgan Kibby, on “Gangster No. 1,” a brutally honest song that finds her ripping her chest wide open, exposing her heart for all to see. If you like artsy pop by indie-minded artists, you’re in for a real treat.
She’s been one of my favorite electronic pop artists for ages now, but I’ll admit that some of her songs weren’t very accessible. Once they grew on you, you’d fall in love with them. But if you just heard them once and didn’t make the effort to absorb them then you might not have been so impressed. Lately though, her songs veer ever so slightly in the direction of mainstream pop, making them just the right amount of accessible while still being highly original. Take her recent single “Stay Young, Get Stoned,” for example. If that one didn’t hook you from the first time you listened to it, well, you must be an anti-pot narc, in which case you probably wouldn’t care for a song called “Gangster No. 1.” But the rest of us should like it just fine. Listen and bask in Kibby’s brilliance.

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