Well, well, well… Lily Allen has finally settled on a title for her third album and it’s…
Seriously?! Sheezus!?
We much prefer one of the title ideas she previously gave us: Illuminaughty. We just think that’s a funnier title that suits her personality better. And you can’t think of Sheezus without thinking of Kanye West, considering that his latest album was titled Yeezus after all.
We just happen to think that Lily is more talented than Kanye and don’t want to have to think of him every time we play her new album. Unfortunately, it seems there’s no changing her mind at this point. The record is probably being pressed as we speak. And while the Urban Dictionary’s definition of “Sheezus,” is “a word that originated from the two words sheesh and jesus,” Lily recently confirmed that she got the idea from Kanye on the Graham Norton show when she said, “It’s a confident title choice, and a little nod to Kanye West.”
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